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Damian grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look at him.  Focus
Nick. Do you want a baby?
I nodded.  I think I m supposed to have one. I looked back at Simon.
 Will my child be looked after by a pooka?
The cat examined Lila closely.  Is there any Irish in you?
Lila nodded.  My mother is from an Irish vampire clan. My father is
Simon turned back to me.  As long as there is Irish in your baby s
mother than I will see it gets a guardian.
I looked Lila over carefully. She was pretty in her own way. Not drop
dead gorgeous, but she had fine features and a nice bone structure. I tried
to combine her looks and mine into another person. What would our
baby look like?
William laughed.  Your baby will be beautiful. All vampires are good
looking and you are stunning yourself, so the odds are against you having
an ugly child.
 You worry about the strangest things, my own. Damian said, shaking
his head at me.
 All right Lila you have yourself a deal. Just to push Damian s
buttons, I added,  I ll force myself to have sex with you.
Damian growled playfully behind me. Since he read my mind he
knew I was just kidding. These days my mind got more traffic than Times
Square. I d worry if I ever carried anything important in it.
 Now about Max.
Simon swished his tail before taking a deep breath. The cat s form
wavered as an inky darkness surrounded him. I watched in astonishment
as the form stretched and grew until it was slightly taller than me. There
was a popping sound and bright sparkles of light. Blinking to clear my
vision, I was surprised to see a dark-skinned man with yellow eyes flashing
a fang-tipped smile at me.
 Greetings Brian Boru bloodline.
 Greetings Simon. Or whatever your real name is.
 My name is whatever you give me. The pooka said.  I listened in on
your conversation with Jeffrey. It s a classic vampire abduction. Some
vampire saw Max and decided he wanted Max for his or her own. The
vampire enthralled him and took Max to Europe, far away from family
and friends so that it was easier to fake his death when the time came to
convert him to vampirism.
My gaze snapped to Damian.  Did you ever enthrall me?
Damian shook his head.  You are immune.
 What do you mean?
 It means that you have a natural magical immunity to vampire
enthrallment, perhaps because of your bloodline. It is but one of many
reasons I find you so fascinating. Damian said. I had thought it was my
tight ass that caught his attention but apparently, for the first time, I was
wanted for my mind.
 You could ve warned me before you sent him to my house. William
 Tried to bend him to your will, did you? Damian said with a grin.
 Me too.
 When did you try to enthrall me?
 When didn t I? Damian countered.  I tried at the bar where we
met. At first I was just looking to bite a very gorgeous neck, but when you
didn t bend to my will you became even more interesting. I tried at my
apartment. I tried the other day. John tried. Apparently, you re just
 I tried when he came to my house. William said with a wry grin.  It
didn t work.
 Has everyone tried to control me?
 Yes. All the vampires around me said. I guess I really am as unaware
as people are always telling me.
 How do we rescue Max? I asked the pooka. It was time to focus on
the real problem.
 How do you know he wants to be rescued? Simon asked reasonably.
 Max loves Jeffrey. Of that I was certain. I d never seen the two men
apart since they met.
 If he loved him so much, how was he enthralled? Damian asked.
 What do you mean?
 A man in love can t be enthralled.
My heart sank. Maybe I was wrong about their relationship. What did
I know about what happened in my friends house after I was gone?
 He could if the vampire convinced him it was the right thing to do.
Lila piped up.  If the vampire threatened his family or something. Is Max
the type to protect the ones he loves?
 Yes. The Max I knew would do anything to protect his family.  Do
you think that s what happened? He let someone make him a vampire to
protect his family?
Damian shrugged.  Maybe. We might never know.
 We will know because I m going to find out. There had to be a way
to hunt down Max and find out what happened to him.
 Forget it. New vampires are like ravening beasts. He will be too
dangerous for you to confront. If he was converted to a vampire it will [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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