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used to bind her breasts had come free when he explored her
earlier. She pulled it away too. Her brown skin and dark
A Walk Between Worlds
by Anastasia Rabiyah
nipples made his mouth water. He wanted to plunder each
perfect mound with his tongue.
Her eyes implored him to give in.
When her fingers moved to the tie on her pants, and she
pushed away the last vestige of clothing that kept him from
taking her, he knew he would give in. She tossed the fabric
aside and pulled her knees up. Her eyelids lowered in bliss.
Her mouth formed a delicious pout he longed to kiss away.
Slowly, her hand moved across her belly to the curly patch of
hair between her legs. She dipped a finger into her folds and
How could he resist such an invitation? Kolar looked up at
the sky and the strange patchwork of light the stars made.
The Illusion made the world more beautiful to him, true, but it
would be a lie to say Treila's guess about why he had gone to
find the beans was wrong. He had wanted this.
Wordless, he sank to his knees before her.
She parted her legs farther so that he could see her finger
toying with her clit. His mouth watered. The musky scent of
her body drew him in. Kolar crawled between her thighs and
buried his face in that sweet, hot place. Her fingers combed
into his hair, driving him to continue.
He obliged, licking at her center, sucking in the tender
lump that made her writhe. He tasted her, inhaling her flavor
and savoring every involuntary shiver that made her thighs
quake. She came in a rush of wetness. He licked it away and
kissed her inner thigh to give her reprieve.
His seed dribbled from the tip of his cock. He was so hard
that it hurt. Kolar didn't want to resist. Why had he thought
A Walk Between Worlds
by Anastasia Rabiyah
he should? She was right. They might not have such a chance
ever again. And if he had learned anything in his life as the
demon king's ward, it was that he must take what he wanted
lest someone else take it from him.
He sat back, kneeled, and took hold of her hips. She
sucked in a startled intake of breath when he roughly pulled
her body up his forelegs to meet hers. His cock stood at her
entry, ready to push inside, to be buried and held by her
tightness. He stared as he forced himself inside. She
whimpered, but he couldn't stop. He never wanted to stop.
Deep inside her body he felt something give. Her sheath
clinched, and he pulled back until he was nearly free of her.
That sensation was even better than entering. Again and
again he did this until he couldn't catch his breath.
She lifted her hands up over her head as if she had given
in. Her breasts bounced. Their skin slapped together in a
torrid rhythm. He closed his eyes, his world a burst of ever-
changing colors, his body numb and yet so sensitive to the
closeness he felt. His balls tightened a final time before he
came inside her body. He clenched his teeth together to keep
from screaming.
Then it was over. He remained there, not wanting it to be
so. His cock was softening, and he finally understood why so
many of the demons kept concubines to sate themselves after
battles. This was the most wondrous feeling he had ever
experienced. He wanted to feel it again, as many times as he
could, and he wanted each time to be with her.
He lay atop her body and tried to move to the side, but his
sex came free of her, and she curled into him, cuddling close.
A Walk Between Worlds
by Anastasia Rabiyah
Reaching back, he found the grass blanket and covered their
nakedness. After a while he heard her sniffle. Kolar brought a
hand to her face and felt the unmistakable wet trails of tears.
He had hurt her. She would never forgive him. He didn't know
what he should do. "I'm sorry." He kissed the top of her head.
She sniffled again and kissed his chest with a feather-soft
brush of her lips. "Why are you sorry?"
"You're crying. I've hurt you."
Treila laughed under her breath. "Hurt me again."
Relief swallowed his regret, and he laughed at her forward
ways. "I'll need to sleep a little while before I can perform for
your pleasure again. I hope that's acceptable."
"Mmm, I guess I can wait." She lifted her chin, her eyes
glassy. He didn't understand why she had cried, but he kissed
her forehead and decided not to press her for answers.
Morning came warm and bright in the long grass. Kolar lay
beside Treila, watching her sleep. Her eyes moved behind
closed lids as she dreamed. What visions do you see? He
wished he could stay beside her like this every morning. He
wished for so many things. He had been given a chance at
redemption, and he would not fail.
"Wake up, Princess." He ran his hand along her cheek,
stroking her warm skin until she awoke. "We should be
moving on. I think we'll be to your city before night falls if the
river flows as she did yesterday."
She blinked her big brown eyes. "Yes," she said in a sleep-
laced voice. "We should."
"Did you dream?"
She nodded.
A Walk Between Worlds
by Anastasia Rabiyah
"What was it you saw?" He waited, hopeful that her visions
would be of a future together.
Treila pushed up from the ground. "The same dream as
before. I saw the Nor king at my city's boundary, preparing
for battle, readying to charge his army at my city and destroy
it. When I wake, his war cry resounds in my mind, and I feel
guilty for lingering here."
Disappointed, he got up and buried the remains of their
fire. Kolar rolled up the woven blanket and his swords. "We
can talk more on the river if you like."
She reached for her clothes, looking bewildered. Treila
dressed and soon caught up to him when he started down to
the bank. He looked back at the place they had spent the
night and swore he would not forget what had happened
between them. His pants were dry, still hanging from the
bramble where he'd left them. He stepped into each leg and
fastened his belt in place. Carefully, he strapped his swords to
his belt.
"Are you ready?"
Treila looked down at the ground. "No, but it must be
done." She reached for his hand so that he could lead her to
the raft and steady her while she climbed aboard. Kolar
joined her, and they settled as they had sat the day before
with Treila sitting between his legs, her back against his
chest. Kolar pushed the raft from the bank with the pole and
sent them rushing into the river's heart.
The water was rushing this day, white eddies frothing at
either side of their raft. He saw less of the creatures of the
wild and more signs that they neared a city. By midday, they
A Walk Between Worlds
by Anastasia Rabiyah
passed small huts, some of which had people within. A
gathering of three children waved to them. Treila cringed and
sank further against him, but Kolar lifted his hand and waved
The hours passed too quickly, and before he knew it, Kolar
spied the great white Telen palace on the horizon. Their river
would carry them close to the city, enough so a small walk
would lead his princess home. "If we are parted," he said, "I
want you to know how much you have meant to me and how
much our time together has changed me."
Treila turned and hugged him. "We can't be parted. I feel
you inside me even now, a connection as strong as I had with
my sister. No matter what happens, if you think of me, I will
know that you are still out there. If you are happy, I will feel
your bliss."
"And if you are sad," he told her, "I will find you again and
make you happy."
They passed beneath a rope bridge, and he recognized the
terrain near where they traveled. He had flown over this same
place the night he stole Minai. Somewhere in the far distance,
voices sang in unison, their music placid and barely audible.
Kolar took up the pole and guided their raft to the bank. It
caught speed and slid up over the muddy edge, successfully
beaching them. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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