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were freshman year roommates by chance, stayed
roommates for the next three years by choice.
 At least, he was left well-off when his father
died. I was left a house, more or less paid for, a
pitiful life insurance policy that barely covered
burial, and a younger sister to raise.
 Jackson? Nope, he inherited very little. His
father died deeply in debt, and what fortune was
left went to pay off what was owed. There was
some life insurance, but not much, and for a while
the company resisted paying the policy off. They
thought the death was suspicious, but authorities
officially ruled it an accident. Jackson received
enough insurance money to put himself through
Harvard, with a little left over.
 You d think rich people would have huge life
insurance policies.
 I suspect that, at one time, the family figured
they didn t need insurance because they had
millions. Then the father began drinking and
gambling after he locked his wife up in a mental
hospital, where she killed herself.
Lena shuddered, but continued to watch Jackson
comfort Ricky.  Was his father s death really an
 Hard to tell, and I d never say this to Jackson,
but I think his dad committed suicide. He hit an
abutment at ninety miles an hour, no seat belt, no
skid marks. He did have a high blood alcohol
content, so the examiner decided that the man was
too drunk to react by hitting the brakes.
 How terrible. Both parents a suicide, and his
younger brother gone, too, Lena said, trying not to
think about losing Annie.
 Yes, and he was the child of only children.
Hardly anyone left on his family tree.
 My parents came over from Finland, so any
relatives I have are back there, not around here.
Except for Annie. Lena shook her head.  Drinking
causes so much mischief.
Bobby looked at her sharply.  Your parents
 My father. I went to Alateen meetings for a
while. It was a difficult time. Lena said, recalling
the wretchedness that was her lot in life after her
mother died.
 So, I imagine you don t drink, Bobby
Sensing judgment, her temper flared.  You got a
problem with that, bud?
 Not at all. Bobby s voice was calm.  It s just
that Jackson can t hold his booze worth a hoot. If
there s anyone who ll never become an alcoholic,
it s him.
Lena glared at Bobby.  Why are you telling me
all of this?
He sighed and looked away.  I thought you
might be interested.
 Well, I m not, she grumbled. Why should she
care whether Jackson Portsmouth drank or not?
 Cheer up, Miss Sourpuss. The equipment s
here. Time to get that log off your car and free your
Jackson was angry, mostly because he felt so
helpless. He tried to comfort Ricky but kept one eye
on Lena. She d felt so small, so lost, in his arms,
despite her height and build. He d heard her pray,
heard her say that she couldn t stand to lose her
only remaining family in the world. The phrase kept
repeating in his head. Apparently, she was an
orphan, too. He and she and Annie and Ricky should
start a support group. A bitter laugh escaped his
 Mr. P? How s Annie? Ricky wiped his red eyes.
The rain was slacking off, and the wind had died
 I m sure she s going to be fine, Jackson lied,
watching the rescue operation. Men were wrapping
chains around the tree trunk, in preparation for the
lifting operation, and Bobby shouted instructions.
The EMTs and Elyse were ordered out of the vehicle,
as a precaution before the lifting began. Jackson
didn t want to think about what might happen. Elyse
was now holding Lena, who d begun to cry again.
 Ricky, let s go over and join Lena and Mrs.
Woodcock. I think we need to band together right
Bobby joined the somber group, too.  Here we
go. Everything should go fine, but pray anyway.
Annie s crying could be heard over the noise of
the equipment. Lena bit the back of her hand to
keep from sobbing, struggling to remain calm, and
calling reassuring words to her sister. Each person s
hands gripped the others tightly as the crane began
to lift the tree. All in all, two dozen or so emergency
workers, caterers, and friends watched, holding
their breath as one, until the tree was lifted and
deposited out of harm s way.
 Clear! the Chief shouted as firemen rushed in
with rescue equipment to cut away the twisted
metal. The EMTs and Elyse clambered back into the
van to comfort Annie and monitor her vital signs.
Bobby went over to the crane to check on
something, leaving Lena, Jackson, and Ricky to wait
long, agonizing moments. All of them feared the
worst for Annie s legs. Sparks flew as the rescue
workers cut and pulled away metal, desperate to
free the young woman trapped inside.
 She s free! one of the firemen shouted.
 Get the stretcher! someone else yelled.
Lena gripped Jackson s hand so fiercely he
thought she d break his bones. Nevertheless, he
stood quietly as the emergency workers prepared to
take Annie to the ER. He d come to respect the
woman crushing his hand. Yes, he still wanted her.
Yes, he still found her devastatingly sexy. But his
feelings were more complex, with more depth, now
that they were weathering a crisis together.
Annie, face white as flour, strapped down to the
stretcher but giving a weak thumbs up, emerged
from the twisted hunk of metal that was once
transportation. Lena rushed to her side, climbing in
the ambulance with the workers. Elyse joined
Jackson, Ricky, and Bobby, who had just hurried
over to hear the latest.
 She ll likely be fine, Elyse reassured them.
 Annie s legs may be broken between the knee and
the ankle, but the fractures appear to be simple.
Her legs weren t crushed or mangled in any way. I
saw nothing to indicate that she won t make a full
recovery, given time.
The rain had ended a few minutes before, and
the sun chose that moment to reappear. Jackson
noticed that the cart full of serving dishes was still
off to the side, forgotten during the ordeal.
 Ricky, let s get those dishes back to my place.
Then we ll stop by the hospital and see how Annie s
doing. Bobby, I think we d better look at condos
another day.
 Aw, don t worry about that. I m thinking of
getting a short-term apartment anyway, so I don t
have to rush into anything, he said, briefly
exchanging glances with Elyse. Jackson cocked an
eyebrow at his old buddy, but received only an
enigmatic smile in return.  Do you need me to help
you, or go to the hospital with you? Bobby offered.
 No, Ricky and I will handle it from here.
Elyse touched Jackson s arm.  Please do let us
know how Annie s doing. You have my number.
 And you know my cell s number, Bobby added,
as both he and Elyse linked arms, strolling in search
of their cars. Jackson watched them go, thinking
about Elyse s use of the word  us. What the heck
had Bobby gotten himself into, in the hour or so
he d been gone with her?
Ricky said he was done loading the van, so
Jackson sent him back in search of anything they
might have left behind. Returning with a few small
items, Ricky hopped in the van to head back to
Yankee Elegance Catering. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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