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playfully nipping at the tender peak. She jerked, not out of fear, but pleasure.
 Again, she demanded in a breathy voice.
Alex obeyed her command and slowly grazed one fang over her flesh. She shivered,
threading her fingers deeper into his hair, anchoring him to her as she reached down with
one hand; she unbuttoned his pants and slid her hand inside to grasp his cock.
He sucked in a ragged breath as she caressed him with long easy strokes, back and
forth, back and forth, until he thought he would break. Squeezing the round globes of her
ass, he cupped them in his palms and slid to the edge of the couch to stand.
She didn t question him.
Quickly he carried her down the long hallway and, toeing open the bedroom door,
strode inside and placed her on the enormous bed. Reaching down, he slid the button of
her pants free and lowered the zipper. Pulling her jeans off, he then quickly removed the
flimsy scrap of silk she considered panties and dropped them to the floor.
She watched as he slid her panties off and shivered.
The look in his now red eyes was so intense she could feel his gaze tracing every
inch of her exposed flesh. Slowly she sat up, hooking a thumb in the waist of his jeans,
she tugged them over his taut ass, letting them fall to the floor. She would have repeated
the action with his underwear, but on this night, Alex was without.
Smiling her approval, she reached out and took him in her hand. Looking into his
eyes, she smiled at the expression of pure passion that coated his features. Gently he
trailed his thumb over her cheek, and then slid his hand into her hair.
She let her eyes slip over his muscular chest, down to his rigid abdomen and finally
to his thick, hard, cock. Sliding her hand over him, she admired the velvety smoothness
of his skin.
Peeking up at him from beneath her lashes, she leaned forward and took him into her
mouth. He sucked in a startled breath, and his body tensed. Gently she suckled his
member, licking and nipping as he so often did to her while he drove her near insanity
with his ministrations.
He gripped her hair in his fist as she continued to take him into her mouth while she
gripped his buttocks with her hands. She d never enjoyed this particular act until now. It
seemed everything was better with Alex.
His breathing grew broken and ragged. He pulled her mouth from him and pressed
her back into the bed. Quickly, he parted her thighs and, kneeling on the floor beside the
bed, set to work devouring her. He worked her flesh with the skill of a master. Suckling
her tight, sensitive bud while sliding a pair of fingers into her. She cried out with
She gripped his hair. He knew exactly what she liked, what she wanted, and how
best to give it to her. Just when she thought she would explode with her release, he
stopped. The weight of his body lying along hers sent a rage of need rocketing through
her. Arching up, she pressed her aching breasts to his chest.
He gazed into her eyes for a moment before lowering his lips to her ear.
 Are you sure this is what you want? Do you understand what this will mean? he
whispered huskily. His breath tickled her ear, and goose bumps dotted her flesh.
At that moment, he could have asked her anything and she would ve agreed, but this,
she knew for certain, she wanted above all else.
Her life would change, be altered, but she would still be Tina, and she would finally
have the man of her dreams.
 Yes, she whispered, rubbing her center against the head of his penis.  I want this
more than anything.
As soon as the words slid past her lips it was as if Alex had been set free. He kissed
her deeply then, with one fluid movement, slid into her.
She cried out as his size stretched her to her limits. He stilled.
 Are you all right? he asked, his voice shaky, his fangs more visible than before.
Taking a deep breath, she relaxed as her body adjusted to his intrusion.  Yes, she
breathed as the need to move assailed her.
Alex began to move, sliding in and out, building a delicious friction within her.
 You feel so good, he ground out then took a nipple into his mouth and sucked
 Please don t stop, Alex. More, please more, she begged, grasping his buttocks,
urging him deeper.
He pressed himself into her harder. She could feel his need building as keenly as she
felt her own. He lowered his face to her neck. His hot breath brushed against her skin.
Gently he pressed a kiss there. She knew what he wanted and was surprised to find she
wanted it to.
 Do it.
 Please, Alex, do it.
In a flash, his fangs were in her, a sharp sting followed by the most intense pleasure
she d ever felt.
Hooking her legs over his shoulders, Alex dove into her fiercely. She cried out her
release as Alex gave one long, deep thrust and plunged into her.
Her climax seemed to go on and on, washing over her in waves of sheer,
unadulterated delight.
Suddenly, Alex released his bite and, throwing his head back, cried out with his
Chapter Fifteen
Blinking his eyes open, Alex turned his head to find Tina closing the blinds.
 What are you doing?
She turned to him and smiled.  I wasn t sure exactly what the movies had right, so I
thought I would close the blinds, just in case.
He grinned.  Good thinking.
Coming to kneel on the bed next to him, she tilted her head to the side. The bite
marks he d inflicted on her in the previous night were gone. He d been sure to lick them
after taking from her. He couldn t imagine leaving her with a painful wound.
 Would the sun have hurt?
Setting up against the pillows, he nodded.  Yes. I would have burst into flames and
She frowned, and then crawled over to him. Running her hand through his hair she
said,  I don t want to think about that. I don t want to lose you.
Leaning forward, he kissed her.  You won t.
She kissed him deeply again before leaning away.  I have to go to work.
Looking to her wet hair and robe, he realized she d already taken a shower.
 When do you have to be there?
 In about an hour. I made sure all the blinds and curtains were closed tight and no
sun could get in. There's food in the fridge, but& 
 What? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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