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should cooperate more fittingly, consciously accepting the Fiery Hierarchy.
219. The language of the subtle body is expressed through the saturation of the Brahmarandhra
center; other than this, there is no need to strain oneself in pronouncing all letters. The sound of
the first letter is sufficient, because the rest is understood by the heart. Likewise, the music of the
spheres does not require melody, but is based upon rhythm, for the rest resounds in the heart.
Precisely the heart is the link between the worlds, and only the heart can respond to the heart of
the Lord and to the entire Hierarchy. One may be bereft of sight and hearing, but the heart will be
the best substitute, and even a more subtle expresser of the essence.
220. During cosmic perturbations the spirit verily begins to ponder over the pages of Be-ness.
When fear overcomes the spirit, every constructive will is paralyzed, and construction is stopped.
The more powerfully must that spirit build which knows that a fiery striving leads it to mighty
knowledge of the Cosmic Magnet. Therefore, those who follow Hierarchy must be rid of fear, for
the heart that contains the greatness of the Plan is invincible; and under the fiery Shield of the
powerful Hierarchy the great future is being built. Hence, amidst all cosmic perturbations and
vital changes there is but one anchor-Hierarchy. In it is verily salvation!
221. When We assert that Hierarchy is the Shield, it means that upon it is based the principle of
the fundamentals of creativeness of the saturated fire. Therefore, We have revealed to the world
the Carriers of Fires, and have given the manifestation of Beauty. Therefore, let the disciples
spiritually uphold that principle which is life itself. The spiritualized Source which imbues all
works must be affirmed in the heart and consciousness.
222. Unusualness is a happy quality of each decision. Let us take the instance of an illness. The
physician may give his best diagnoses and all his medicines, but this usual way may not lead to
improvement. But a Yogi gives advice, and this unusual decision creates a strengthening
condition. The medicine of a Yogi is not from an apothecary and avoids narcotics, but it contains
the secretions of glands which, like food, strengthen the substance of the nerves. The same
property is possessed by the secretions of trees, the resins of which can carry through the pores of
the skin the same fortification for the nearest nerves. Certainly, purified resin can be taken
internally. The best purification will be through the solar ray, but this requires a long time,
because the process of sedimentation is very slow. Each oil may be purified just as slowly, but
this purification is not to be compared with any chemical process. Thus the unusualness of the
Yogi's advice has an advantage over the usualness of that of physicians. Thus act.
223. All events collect around one focus. All signs point to the one focus. One manifested fire
exists in everything, the seed of which attracts all corresponding energies. Thus all cosmic events
are fulfilled. Hence, only a full realization of the one focus can direct the spiritual quests to the
affirmed seed. The immutability of creativeness enters vitally when the focus is realized. For
thus, verily, striving enters into the channel of action! Therefore, only in this way can we attain
steadfastness of spirit. Thus can one be imbued with a subtle realization of Infinity.
224. Hence, so beautiful are the strivings to the single focus of Hierarchy. Only thus can one
assimilate all the Commands of the Highest Forces. Only thus can one approach Our Ordainments
and adhere to fiery creativeness. The fiery focus, all-illuminating, all-containing, gives life to
each creative inception. Therefore it is so important to comprehend Hierarchy. Yes, yes, yes!
225. Pay attention to a special characteristic of all animals and birds that exude secretions similar
to musk. The furs and feathers contain an oily substance, as well as heat, as if a kind of resin or
mountain oil had saturated them. The plumage of the birds takes on a metallic hue, as a result of
their feeding upon roots and grains that contain much psychic energy of the vegetable kingdom,
in other words, of resin. Minerals also give out psychic energy through the vegetable kingdom or
through the air, where the Fire of Space has the same properties as thought manifested by the
spirit. One can now understand the ancient comparison that termed thought a flame. What
remarkable experiments could be performed by linking a chain of reactions of the psychic energy
from minerals to the subtle body! One could observe how varied would be the reactions of the
furs and feathers of certain birds and animals. Is it casual that in the ancient palaces and temples
metallic peacocks were kept? One may ponder why musk animals and monal birds breed at
almost equal altitudes. Are there not the same soils on the heights as in the plains? When we shall
purify the atmosphere of the plains we shall have to pay attention to the depths of Earth, invoking
their psychic energy.
226. The foci of life should be gathered. Thus is accumulated that quality which is called culture.
Culture cannot be created instantaneously. Nor can the foci of life make their appearance like
cannon balls. Thus, the manifestations of life demand tuning like the instruments of an orchestra.
It would seem that I speak of various subjects, yet they are all nothing but Fire, Energy,
227. The vitality of all origins is affirmed by the fiery principle of Hierarchy. Only the principle
of the Highest Hierarchy affords balance and striving to each affirmation. Therefore, in
establishing cosmic principles the main impulse is the Chain of Hierarchy. The creativeness of
humanity depends upon these affirmations, and only adherence to the Highest Chain affords the
necessary force. Thus, each chain is a link of a greater chain, and the might of this Chain reigns in
Cosmos. Hence evolution intensifies each smaller chain, linking it to the great, limitless Chain of
Hierarchy. Thus the Might of the fiery Hierarchy soars high. Yes, yes, yes!
228. How, then, can one be affirmed in the Chain of Hierarchy? Only through the heart and
endless striving toward Service, only by complete assimilation of the Plan of the Lords and
through creativeness of the spirit. Thus , verily, each one on the path must accept the Service of
the heart. Thus the immutability of the Chain of Hierarchy is verily affirmed.
229. Origen reasoned,  Does Bliss emanate or is it sent? Being aware that Bliss is an absolutely
real substance of the highest psychic energy, one can understand that this reasoning had a sound
basis. Thus, heat emanates from light, but a burning glass is needed to produce fire. Psychic
energy certainly emanates from each organism that possesses it, but in order to receive a direct
result one must gather and focus it consciously. This consciousness is like a burning glass. It is
necessary to discriminate between an unconscious flow of psychic energy and a sharpened arrow
of precise consciousness. If even the highest energy does not reach the goal when sent
unconsciously, then how greatly in need of a focus is human energy! Destroy the focus and the
fire will not be manifested. Without fire, darkness and cold await us. Let us remember how the
vivifying heat and Light can reach us.
230. One should learn to value the warmth and light of the focus, and remember that the rays of
the One Light emanate from one direction. Let us compare our position to a physical law and we [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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