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know what was turning the water red and killing all the fish.
 Okay, so you blew up a helicopter, but that doesn t explain how
you got them out of the lab. Vapre lounged in his chair, his feet
propped up on the kitchen table.
Echo cleared his throat, narrowing his eyes at Vapre s muddy
boots. The demon winced and dropped his feet to the floor, sitting up
straighter in his chair.  Sorry, Echo.
 Oh, you have them trained really well, Sony said excitedly.
 You have to teach us how to do that.
 Yes, please, Mac nodded enthusiastically.
Echo laughed when Gage groaned at his mates.  Later, he told
the two brunettes with a wink before returning his attention to Hex.
Their leader just shrugged.  We waited until they were bringing
everyone out to load them into the helicopters. Fiero blew the damn
thing up. Myst froze the guards and grabbed these two. He waved a
hand at Sony and Mac.  It was almost too easy.
 Like how I just walked out? Echo asked.
 Well, not quite that easy. We did get shot at, but it wasn t as hard
as I expected it to be at all.
 The Oracle, several voices mumbled at the same time.
 But why did she want you to rescue them in the first place? Syx
crossed his arms over his broad chest.  And why not the others?
 We have a theory about that.
Everyone looked at Myst, who in turned looked at Fiero. Fiero
glared at the warrior, but addressed the room.  They have powers.
Upon Crimson Waters 109
Gage is a werewolf. I think either we re going to find others, or
they re going to find us before this is all said and done.
 It seems this war is going to be a lot bigger than any of us
anticipated, Myst added.
 It would seem we re going to need a little help. Onyx gestured
toward the threesome across from him.
 Like an army? Echo shivered at the implications. Just how
many more would join them? How many more did they need?
Hex bobbed his head in confirmation.  Exactly like an army.
 Are they all going to stay here? Do we have enough room?
Eyce chuckled, tugging at the ends of Echo s hair.  We have four
empty bedrooms, and two storage rooms we can convert if we need
more space. I think we have it covered.
Echo shrugged.  Well, I think we need to start stocking up on
supplies. We re going to have a lot of mouths to feed, clothe, and
keep clean.
 I m not cooking, Myst said at once.
 Me either, Syx and Onyx said at the same time.
 I m not doing laundry either, Myst added.
 We ll divide up the chores, and everyone will rotate. Echo
sighed in exasperation.  Sound fair?
 No, Myst answered immediately.  I m a warrior. I ll slay the
dragons. You can cook them.
 You re right. You can t cook anyway.
 Hey! I can cook!
 Right. Sorry. Echo pretended to think it over for a minute.
 What I meant to say is that you can t cook anything edible.
Myst stood from the table, glared at Echo, then stomped over to
the cabinets where he began assembling ingredients on the counter.
He paused in the act of opening the refrigerator and turned to look at
Echo in astonishment.
Echo just grinned back innocently.  Yes?
Myst snorted and shook his head.  You suck.
110 Gabrielle Evans
Chapter Eleven
Sitting at the edge of the small pond, Eyce held his hands up in
front of him, turning them one way and then the other. The moonlight
ghosted through the trees, the lunar crescent reflected off the surface
of the dark water.
The wind shifted directions, wafting the pungent odor toward him
and causing him to gag as his stomach churned in revulsion. He heard
the footsteps approaching, and closed his eyes as small hands landed
on his shoulders.
 I don t know what to do, Echo.
His mate moved around to sit on the cold ground beside him and
leaned against his shoulder.  What all have you tried?
 I tried separating the water. Eyce opened his eyes and lifted a
hand, watching as a wall of water rose up before them. He narrowed
his eyes in concentration, trying to push the water to one side and the
foulness to the other.
Nothing happened. The wall shifted to the left then to the right,
but never separated. Sighing in defeat he dropped his hand, and the
water fell back to the pond with a splash.  See?
 What else?
 What else is there? I ve tried freezing it. Eyce waved his hand
again, a thin layer of ice forming on the top of the water.  That
doesn t do anything. When it melts, it ll be just the same as if I never
touched it.
 What about draining the pond?
Upon Crimson Waters 111
 The water has to go somewhere, Echo. Where do suggest I put
Echo bit his lip, his nose scrunching as he stared out over the
moonlit water.  Can you evaporate it?
Eyce opened his mouth to deny he could do such a thing, but
stopped and pressed his lips together.  I would probably need Fiero
and Vapre s help, but it s possible. Then he frowned, a sigh bubbling
up in his chest.  Only for the smaller ponds, though. We can t
evaporate the lakes or the bigger ponds.
 Okay, then we get some sleep and regroup tomorrow. We bring
everyone with us tomorrow night and put our heads together on this.
Eyce admired his lover s determination, but he just couldn t
match his optimistic outlook. Still, with no other alternative, he had
little choice but to agree. At this point, he welcomed any course of
action as long as they were doing something.
Sighing, he pushed to his feet and held a hand out to help Echo up
as well.  Thank you.
 You re welcome, but I really haven t done anything. I wish I
could be more help.
 I know, baby. I wish I could, too. This is supposed to be my test,
and I m seeing a big fat F on my report card right now. He held on to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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