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breasts. She left her hands where they were and remained on the floor.
 Did Shawn tell you that you are the spitting image of his last lust affair?
Dawson s chuckle made Shawn cringe.  What an idiot you are. Dawson rolled his
eyes.  You made it simple, so very easy. But then again I fell for Chastity too. A
wistfulness in the man s voice almost made Shawn think the man was human.
 You wanted to destroy her. Shawn took a step, stopping when Dawson pointed
the gun at Ciarra.
 I wanted to love her, Dawson insisted. There was a softness in the man s eyes.
But Dawson was a cruel man, bent on having his way.
 You don t know how to love, Shawn responded as Dawson moved closer, deeper
into the room.
 Perhaps you re right. Dawson s hungry gaze raked over Ciarra s body then he
turned his eyes on Shawn.  But you have taught me to hate. You ruined everything.
 I ruined nothing. Chastity wasn t mine and she wasn t yours, Shawn said, as
Ciarra rose and inched her way to his side.
Cautiously, Shawn moved Ciarra behind him, securing her before he tucked his
now semihard cock into his pants, sealing the seams with a press of his hand. He
couldn t miss the warmth of her breasts against his back, or her fingernails digging into
his arm.
The Charade
 Playing the hero again, eh, Thorenson? Again Dawson released that menacing
laugh, causing a chill to race up Shawn s spine.
Ciarra moved from behind Shawn to his side. Confusion waged across her face as
she stared up at him.  Shawn? Then she glared at Dawson.  Why? Her voice was
tight and small. He looked down at her bulging eyes as she gaped at the gun in
Dawson s hand. Her pulse thrummed through her fingertips gripping his biceps.
 Why? Did you think that you could get away with shunning me? You little bitch. I
should have killed you after you slapped me.
 But what does Shawn have to do with all of this?
The hate in Dawson s eyes deepened as he glared at Shawn.  I m Thorenson s worst
nightmare. Dawson wagged the hand holding the gun toward the bedroom door.
 Let s continue this discussion in the bedroom. I thought we d have a little fun before
you both die.
 Die? Ciarra s gasp was warm across Shawn s shoulder. He reached for her
trembling hand and held tight, squeezing it to assure her everything would be all right.
How? He didn t know.
 Dawson, let Ciarra go. She had nothing to do with what happened a year ago.
Shawn pushed Ciarra behind him again, ensuring she and his nemesis were separated
as Dawson moved slowly around them, driving them toward the destination he
 True, but I have my own score with her. He chuckled.  Of course, she wasn t
supposed to be the patsy for Collins you were. Dawson waved the gun again toward
the bedroom door.  Now get going.
As Shawn moved, he knew he needed a plan and quick. If he rushed Dawson, the
man would shoot. Was he good enough to fell Shawn with one shot? If so, then Ciarra
would be left unprotected.
There was a sharp tug against Shawn s hand as Ciarra stopped dead in her tracks.
 What? he whispered, but Ciarra was focused on Dawson and if he didn t know better
the woman was pissed. Her face was red with anger, her brows dipped low as she
 You framed me! Her accusation came out in a gust of disbelief as she glared at
Dawson.  You killed Mayhem and Collins? You son of a bitch. Do you have any idea
what I ve been through?
That was his girl. Even in the face of danger she had spirit, but now was not the
 Don t forget Kitty. Now she was a lovely morsel I will miss. Dawson shook his
head.  To answer your question not personally no, I didn t kill them, but I ordered
it. He said it with such authority, such power and pride.  But I will see to your demise,
before Thorenson here.
Mackenzie McKade
Shawn tried to calm Ciarra down with a touch of his hand. She jerked away, anger
spreading across her face like a flame.  You mean all of this is revenge because I
slapped you? Because another woman I never knew chose a different man over you
not even Shawn? You re fucking crazy.
 Beautiful and smart. What a shame we will only have tonight. But no, darling, you
and Thorenson were only a small part in my plan. Sorry. Collins and Mayhem were
stealing from me. His lustful eyes slid over Ciarra s bared breasts.  Now get your [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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