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to add, Neason?
 Am I going to accompany you when you go out at night for
 A fair question. Brody smiled, feeling more confident.  There
will be times when you will go with me, but there will be other times
that I will have to go by myself. We ll decide on those times as they
come up. Does that answer your question?
Neason nodded.  What about when you re at work at the shop?
 I think you ll go to work with me on days you re not at school.
Neason s eyebrows shot up.  School?
 If the loss of your sight is indeed a permanent thing then I expect
you to learn braille so that you can read and write. Once you re
proficient, you can help out around the shop. That is, of course,
assuming that you don t want to work the ranch anymore.
The eyebrows on Neason s forehead shot down into a deep frown
so fast Brody was surprised they didn t fall further down Neason s
 Brody, how can I  Neason reached up and touched his eyes
then dropped his head just as he dropped his hand back into his lap.
 How can I work on a ranch if I can t see?
 The same way you do everything else perseverance. You re too
strong of a man to let the loss of your eyes keep you from doing the
things you love. If you want to work the ranch, we ll find a way for
you to work the ranch.
Cowboy Courage 89
 I m on my knees with my pants down around my ankles and my
dick hanging out, and you think I m strong? Neason laughed
 You don t see me on my knees, do you?
Brody squatted down next to Neason and grabbed the man s jaw
in his hand.  And do you know why, love?
Neason shook his head as much as he could with Brody s hand
wrapped around his jaw.
 Because I m not strong enough to be on my knees for anyone.
 Wha  Neason blinked.  But you re stronger than I am.
 It takes more than physical strength to submit to someone, love.
You have to have a strong inner strength. Brody rubbed his thumb
along Neason s cheek where he held it.  I ve never met anyone
stronger than you.
90 Stormy Glenn
Chapter 8
Neason would have given ten years off his life to see the
expression on Brody s face right then. He was slowly becoming used
to the idea that he might never see again, and with Brody beside him,
the future didn t seem so scary.
When Brody started talking this morning and Neason realized that
he might be sent away again, his heart felt like it was being ripped out
of his chest. But something had changed in the last few minutes.
Neason wasn t sure what it was, but he suddenly felt like Brody
wanted to keep him now. He was just worried that it was because he
was blind and not because Brody really wanted him.
 What changed?
 What do you mean, love?
 A moment ago you were ready to send me home, Neason said.
 Now you re suddenly telling me your rules as if we re going to stay
together. I want to know what changed your mind. Why have you
suddenly decided to keep me?
 I never decided not to keep you, Neason.
Neason felt the loss of Brody s hand as the man moved away like
a knife in his heart. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut and
just accepted whatever Brody was willing to give him. It seemed
things went fine between them until emotions were brought into the
situation and then Brody moved away from him.
Neason ducked his head the second Brody released him. He knew
his emotions were being broadcast across his face. He might be
sightless, but he hadn t learned how to mask what he was feeling. Not
yet, anyway. Maybe it was something he would learn in time.
Cowboy Courage 91
 I m sorry, he murmured.
 You have nothing to be sorry for, love.
Neason knew that wasn t true. He couldn t seem to grasp
whatever Brody was trying to teach him, and eventually, Brody would
get frustrated and leave his sorry ass. Keeping his mouth shut just
seemed like a better strategy.
 Did you know that I m in love with you, Neason?
 What? Neason shouted as he fell back on his ass.
 Don t sound so shocked. Brody chuckled but it sounded shaky.
 You are a very attractive man, both physically and mentally. I m just
surprised that you ve been single all of this time.
 No one wanted to keep me, Neason whispered as shock rolled
through him.
 I do, Brody replied.  I ve wanted to keep you since the night of
Rourke and Billy s wedding. I was just too afraid to tell you.
Neason frowned as he turned to follow Brody s voice as it moved
around the room.  Why? I would have jumped at the chance to be
with you.
 You re a rancher, Neason.
Neason slammed his hands down on the hard wooden floor.  Why
does it always come back to me being a rancher? What in the hell
does that have to do with anything? You re a minister. That s never
been an issue for me.
 But I ve never tried to hide the things I want, Neason. You have.
And that s where our issue comes into play. You re ashamed of the
things you crave, of the needs you have. I embrace them.
 I should be proud of needing someone to spank my ass?
Neason raised his eyes when his face was suddenly grabbed and
held between Brody s hands. He couldn t see Brody s face, but he
knew it was right in front of him. He could feel Brody s hot breath
blowing across his cheeks.
 Yes, love, you should be proud of that. You should be proud of
the fact that you re strong enough to kneel on the floor with your
92 Stormy Glenn
pants down around your ankles and your dick hanging out. You
should be proud of the fact that you have enough courage to give me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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