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hotheaded and impulsive. Borscht had become the
family head. After Petre had bonded with his
beloved Elizabette, Borscht had broken away from
their old coven, taking most of the family with
them, and started his own coven. Tullion had been
the only one to remain under Boris, since he d just
earned an enforcer position.
Stopping beside the bed, Aleksei glared down
at him as he angrily added,  If we d received the
information from your friends sooner, we could
have cleared this up months ago. Sneering, he
added,  When the fuck did you meet the faggot
Tullion gritted his teeth, just biting his tongue.
He should have known at least one of his Russian
The Vampire s Geek
brothers would act this way. Before Tullion s still
sluggish brain could figure out how to respond,
Petre prowled into the room. A frowning
Elizabette stood in the doorway, her arms crossed
over her amble breasts.
Evidently, Petre had heard Aleksei s comment,
for he slapped Aleksei up the backside of his head.
When Aleksei turned and snarled at him, Petre
snapped,  Watch your mouth, asshole. Elizabette s
brother, Jean-Pierre, prefers the company of men.
Aleksei glanced over his shoulder, frowning.
Still, he didn t seem at all repentant.  Unnatural,
he muttered.
 Well, you now have a brother-in-law, Petre
continued gruffly.  So I suggest you keep your
opinions to yourself.
Aleksei s brows drew together.  What the fuck
are you talking about?
Instead of responding, Petre turned to Tullion.
 How are you feeling? Better?
While one of Borscht s brows was lifted in
obvious confusion, he too drew closer and
questioned him.  How are you?
 Better, Tullion admitted.  Don t feel like I m
about to pass out, anyway.
Petre nodded.  Good. Now. He settled in the
chair beside the bed, rested his forearms on his
thighs, and leaned toward him.  How do you
know Caspian Carpathian?
Charlie Richards
Tullion racked his brain.  I don t know a
Caspian Carpathian, he replied, confused.
 Vincent Marché? Lexington Paistro? Sebastian
Russo? Jared Templeton? Borscht started rattling
off names.
To each, Tullion shook his head.  No, I  He
paused, the last one jogging a memory.  Toby s
friend is Jared. I don t know his last name, but 
He glanced around at his brothers.  Why? Who
are they?
Borscht scoffed.  They work for the American
Council Elders. Very highly regarded, it seems, by
 Elder Kolton Vespa? Tullion confirmed.
Aleksei s eyes narrowed.  Yeah. Caspian and
Sebastian work in different areas of diplomacy,
and Vincent and Lexington are enforcers. Jared is
a human. Crossing his arms over his chest, he
growled,  Most of them are fag homosexuals,
he amended.  What the fuck, Tu?
Gaping, Tullion glanced between his brothers.
With the way Petre had already smacked Aleksei,
he knew he had at least his youngest brother s
support. Ignoring Aleksei s bigoted attitude, he
focused on Borscht. As he spoke, Tullion prayed
his oldest brother wouldn t turn away from him.
 I was in contact with Viktor and Anatoly for a
while, Tullion told them.  They were trying to
figure out who had framed me. When I could no
The Vampire s Geek
longer get in touch with Viktor, I had only
Anatoly to rely on.
Borscht scowled.  I spoke with him last week.
He said he hadn t heard from you.
Tullion s eyes widened.  What? I talked to him
three days ago. I told him I was on my way out
here and I ended up attacked by Russian
enforcers, he admitted.  Fuck! He s been playing
me! He s somehow involved!
 Well, that makes Jared s information much
more plausible, Petre commented.
Meeting Petre s gaze, Tullion said,  Jared is a
human mated with a wolf shifter. Toby is a human
that s somehow affiliated with the pack. They
consider him one of their own. He turned to
Borscht.  They re from America. I stumbled across
them deep in the mountains when I stopped for
groceries. He licked his lips, then admitted,
 Toby is my beloved.
 What? Alexsei snarled.
Tullion ignored him, instead holding his eldest
brother s gaze the head of their family. Borscht
smiled slightly.  Congratulations, my brother. I m
very happy for you. He scoffed softly.  I m even
a bit jealous. I m over three hundred years old and
still waiting for mine.
 You ll find him, Tullion whispered. At
Borscht s smirk, he realized what he d said.  Or
her, he added, earning a chuckle from his
brother. He sighed and allowed his eyelids to slide
Charlie Richards
to half-mast. His mind started to drift, and he
turned his attention to Petre.  I could really go for
some pirozhki.
Petre grinned.  How about sausage and cheese
crepes? I asked the cook to make  em special.
 Nice, Tullion whispered. He glanced down at
the IV in his arm.  So, can this come out? Am I
properly hydrated now?
 I ll ask Doctor Moreau to come up, Elizabette
stated from the doorway.
 Elizabette, Tullion called softly. Once she
turned and met his gaze, lifting a brow in
question, Tullion smiled at her.  Thank you.
Elizabette nodded once.  Nikita, Vadim, and
Zakhar should be arriving shortly, she told him,
referencing two of his other brothers and one
sister.  Oh, and there are a number of vampires
and a few humans that are waiting to see you.
Tullion s heart thudded in his chest.
 Humans? How the hell shit, who cared?  Who?
Elizabette tittered.  I ll send a few of them in.
She grinned widely as she turned away. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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