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CWIHP Bulletin included a declassified was ready to approve Kim s request for schedule by exploiting the mutual suspicion
document from the Russian archives clearly permission to attack the South, and to render and competition between the two communist
indicating that North Korean leader Kim Il material assistance to assure its success, giants. The Bulletin plans to publish further
Sung had repeatedly petitioned Soviet lead- although he noted, Such a large matter reports bearing on the Korean War in future
ership for its blessing to launch the attack, needs preparation. (See documents quoted issues. Commentary by Jim Hershberg,
and that he finally received a green light in Dmitrii Volkogonov, Sleduyet li etogo CWIHP Director; translations by Vladislav
from Stalin during his visit to Moscow in boyat sia? [ Should we fear this? ], M. Zubok, National Security Archive, Wash-
April 1950. In that document, a 1966 inter- Ogonyok 26 (June 1993), 28-29, cited in ington, D.C., and Kathryn Weathersby,
nal Soviet Foreign Ministry report, it was Kathryn Weathersby, The Soviet Role in the Florida State University, Tallahassee.
Ciphered Telegram Strictly Secret CIPHERED TELEGRAM
nomic cooperation in the Ceylonese capital
Making copies is forbidden _______________________________________________________
of Colombo must have been particularly
Destination: PEKING To whom: SovAmbassador
galling to the Soviet leadership since the
[Stamp: Declassified 14 December 1993 ]
countries it covered, especially India, were
targets of Moscow s ardent post-Stalin dip-
lomatic offensive to woo members of the
emerging bloc of non-aligned nations to
For immediate report to comrade Filippov.x/ For Mao-Tse-Tung.
its side in the Cold War. In 1955, Khrushchev
Today on May 13, at 23 hours 30 minutes Comr. Mao-Tse-Tung!
Chou En-lai paid a visit to me and, following the In a conversation with the Korean comrades had hosted Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal
instructions of Mao Tse-tung, let me know the Filippov [Stalin] and his friends expressed the
Nehru in Moscow and then paid his own visit
following: opinion, that, in light of the changed international
to India and Burma, and had also called on
1. Kim Il Sung and minister of foreign situation, they agree with the proposal of the
Tito in Belgrade in an effort to patch up
affairs of the Korean People s-Democratic Re- Koreans to move toward reunification [pristupit
Soviet-Yugoslav relations, which had grown
public Po Siang-Yung* arrived in Peking on May k obiednineniiu]. In this regard a qualification
bitterly hostile under Stalin.
13 this year. was made [pri etom bilo ogovoreno], that the
The Foreign Ministry analysis, how-
2. In the evening comrade Mao Tse-tung has question should be decided finally by the Chinese
ever, suggested strongly that recent events
had a meeting with them. In the conversation with and Korean comrades together, and in case of
had dealt this strategy a serious blow. In all
comrade Mao Tse-tung the Korean comrades disagreement by the Chinese comrades the deci-
informed about the directives of comrade Filippov sion on the question should be postponed until a the Colombo countries, it reported, there
that the present situation has changed from the new discussion. The Korean comrades can tell
had been a significant increase in anti-
situation in the past and, that North Korea can you the details of the conversation.
Soviet views, in public, official, and diplo-
move toward actions; however, this question Filippov .
matic arenas, even among leftists; a disillu-
should be discussed with China and personally Telegraph the fulfillment [ispolneniie
sioned New Delhi, in particular, had offi-
with comrade Mao Tse-tung. telegraf te].
cially told Moscow that the invasion of Hun-
3. The Korean comrades will stay in Peking
gary shatter[ed] the belief of millions of
for 2 days. VYSHINSKY
people who had begun to view the USSR as
In connection with the abovementioned com-
the defender of peace and rights of the weak-
rade Mao Tse-tung would like to have personal 5 copies
clarifications of comrade Filippov on this ques- 14 May 1950 est people, and Nehru was reported to be
tion, which, according to the previous telegram
coordinating with Tito in condemning
from comrade Filippov transferred by the [So- Copies:
Moscow s actions, and also tightening ties
viet] Ambassador [to China] comrade [N.V.]
with China and the United States.
Roshchin, were to follow in the coming days. 1. Comr. Stalin
Even worse, the report noted a sharp
The Chinese comrades are requesting an 2. Comr. Molotov
increase in the prestige of the United States
urgent answer. 3. Comr. Vyshinsky
and Eisenhower personally, who had wel-
4. Comr. 10th department
comed Nehru to Washington in late Decem-
13/5-50. Roshchin 5. Comr. Copy
ber 1956. By opposing (at least diplomati-
(Source: APRF.) cally) both the Soviet invasion of Hungary
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