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or a human organ. Moreover, the rate of the number of vibrations -- especially in an organic
animal cell or organ, changes in accordance with the state of health, and general condition.
Hence the cerebral nervous centers of a hypnotic subject, while in perfect unison, in potential
degree and essential original activity, with the object he gazes at, may yet, owing to some
organic disturbance, be at the given moment at logger-heads with it, in respect to the number of
their respective vibrations. In such case no hypnotic condition ensues; or no unison at all may
exist between his nervous cells and the cells of the crystal or metal he is made to gaze at, in
which case that particular object can never have any effect upon him. This amounts to saying
that to ensure success in a hypnotic experiment, two conditions are requisite; (a) as every organic
or "inorganic" body in nature is distinguished by its fixed molecular oscillations, it is necessary
to find out which are those bodies which will act in unison with one or another human nervous
system; and (b) to remember that the molecular oscillations of the former can influence the
nervous action of the latter, only when the rhythms of their respective vibrations coincide, i.e.,
when the number of their oscillations is made identical; which, in the cases of hypnotism induced
by mechanical means, is achieved through the medium of the eye.
Therefore, though the difference between hypnosis produced by mechanical means, and that
induced by the direct gaze of the operator, plus his will, depends on the plane on which the same
phenomenon is produced, still the "fascinating" or subduing agent is created by the same force at
work. In the physical world and its material planes, it is called MOTION; in the worlds of
mentality and metaphysics it is known as WILL -- the many-faced magician throughout all
As the rate of vibrations (molecular motion) in metals, woods, crystals, etc., alters under the
effect of heat, cold, etc., so do the cerebral molecules change their rate, in the same way: i.e.,
their rate is raised or lowered. And this is what really takes place in the phenomenon of
hypnotism. In the case of gazing, it is the eye -- the chief agent of the Will of the active operator,
but a slave and traitor when this Will is dormant -- that, unconsciously to the patient or subject,
attunes the oscillations of his cerebral nervous centers to the rate of the vibrations of the object
gazed at by catching the rhythm of the latter and passing it on to the brain. But in the case of
direct passes, it is the Will of the operator radiating through his eye that produces the required
unison between his will and the will of the person operated upon. For, out of two objects attuned
in unison -- as two chords, for instance -- one will always be weaker than the other, and thus
have mastery over the other and even the potentiality of destroying its weaker "co-respondent."
So true is this, that we can call upon physical Science to corroborate this fact. Take the "sensitive
flame" as a case in hand. Science tells us that if a note be struck in unison with the ratio of the
vibrations of the heat molecules, the flames will respond immediately to the sound (or note
struck), that it will dance and sing in rhythm with the sounds. But Occult Science adds, that the
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flame may also be extinguished if the sound is intensified (vide Isis Unveiled, Vol. II, 606 and
607). Another proof. Take a wine-glass or tumbler of very fine and clear glass; produce, by
striking it gently with a silver spoon, a well-determined note; after which reproduce the same
note by rubbing its rim with a damp finger, and, if you are successful, the glass will immediately
crack and be shattered. Indifferent to every other sound, the glass will not resist the great
intensity of its own fundamental note, for that particular vibration will cause such a commotion
in its particles, that the whole fabric will fall in pieces.
Q. What becomes of diseases cured by hypnotism; are they really cured or are they postponed,
or do they appear in another form? Are diseases Karma; and, if so, is it right to attempt to cure
ANS. Hypnotic suggestion may cure for ever, and it may not. All depends on the degree of
magnetic relations between the operator and the patient. If Karmic, they will be only postponed,
and return in some other form, not necessarily of disease, but as a punitive evil of another sort. It
is always "right" to try and alleviate suffering whenever we can, and to do our best for it.
Because a man suffers justly imprisonment, and catches cold in his damp cell, is it a reason why
the prison-doctor should not try to cure him of it?
Q. Is it necessary that the hypnotic "suggestions" of the operator should be spoken? Is it not [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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