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committed or a suspect from escaping arrest. (7) Finally, in order to justify a body search of the
crook, the officer must reasonably believe that the person is armed and dangerous.
426. Which of the underlined words or phrases in the above passage should be replaced with
more precise or appropriate words?
a. the crook
b. swift action
c. detention
d. criteria
427. Which of the following numbered parts contains a nonstandard use of an infinitive?
a. Part 7
b. Part 4
c. Part 1
d. Part 3
428. Which of the following changes needs to be made to the above paragraph?
a. Part 4: Change "Court" to "court."
b. Part 4: Change ''procedure" to ''procedures."
c. Part 1: Change "probable" to "probably."
d. Part 6: Change "swift" to "swiftly".
Answer questions 429 and 430 on the basis of the following passage.
(1) On occasion, corrections officers may be involved in receiving a confession from an inmate
under their care. (2) Sometimes, one inmate may confess to another inmate, who may be
motivated to pass the information on to corrections officers. (3) Often, however, posing as an
inmate, these confessions are obtained by an undercover agent placed in a cell with the prisoner.
(4) On the surface, this may appear to violate the principles of the constitutional Fifth
Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. (5) However, the courts have found that the
Fifth Amendment is intended to protect suspects from coercive interrogation, which is present
when a person is in custody and is subject to official questioning. (6)____________ an
undercover officer is posing as an inmate, ______________ the questioning does not appear to
be official; therefore, confessions obtained in this manner are not considered coercive.
429. Which of the following numbered parts contains a nonstandard use of a modifier?
a. Part 5
b. Part 2
c. Part 6
d. Part 3
Page 99
430. Which words or phrases, if inserted IN ORDER into the blanks in Part 6, would help the
reader understand the logical sequence of the writer's ideas in that sentence?
a. When . . . in addition
b. If . . . then
c. As a result . . . next
d. Still . . . eventually
Answer questions 431 and 432 on the basis of the following passage.
(1) Adolescents are at high risk for violent crime. (2) Although they make up only 14 percent of
the population age 12 and over, 30 percent of all violent crime 1.9 million were committed
against them. (3) Because crimes against adolescents are likely to be committed by offenders of
the same age (as well as same sex and race), preventing violence among and against adolescents
is a twofold challenge. (4) Adolescents are at risk of being both victims and perpetrators of
violence. (5) New violence-prevention programs in urban middle schools help reduce the crime
rate by teaching both victims and perpetrators of such violence the skills of conflict resolution,
how to apply reason to disputes, as well as by changing attitudes towards achieving respect
through violence and towards the need to retaliate. (6) These programs provide a safe place for
students to discuss their conflicts and therefore prove appealing to students at risk.
431. Which of the following sentences represents the best revision of Part 5?
Page 100
432. Which of the following should be used in place of the underlined word in Part 2 of the
above passage?
a. will be
b. are
c. is
d. was
Answer questions 433 435 on the basis of the following passage.
(1) Cuttlefish are very intriguing little animals. (2) The cuttlefish resembles a rather large squid
and is, like the octopus, a member of the order of cephalopods. (3) Although they are not
considered the most highly evolved of the cephalopods, cuttlefish are extremely
intelligent.(4)_______________________________________.(5) While observing them, it is
hard to tell who is doing the watching, you or the cuttlefish. (6) Since the eye of the cuttlefish is
very similar in structure to the human eye, cuttlefish can give you the impression that you are
looking into the eyes of a wizard who has metamorphosed himself into a squid with very human
(7) Cuttlefish are also highly mobile and fast creatures. (8) They come equipped with a small jet
located just below the tentacles that can expel water to help them move. (9) For navigation,
ribbons of flexible fin on each side of the body allow cuttlefish to hoover, move, stop, and start.
433. Which of the following sentences, if inserted into the blank numbered 4, would be most
consistent with the paragraph's development and tone?
a. Curious and friendly, cuttlefish tend, in the wild, to hover near a diver so they can get a
good look, and in captivity, when a researcher slips a hand into the tanks, cuttlefish tend to
grasp it with their tentacles in a hearty but gentle handshake.
b. The cuttlefish can be cooked and eaten like its less tender relatives, the squid and octopus, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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