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narrow windows high in the bedchamber s walls. At first she wasn t sure where she
was. The warm, muscular arm flung over her waist was unfamiliar as was the broad
chest pressing against her back.
With a rush, everything came back to her. She remembered the way Therik had
taken her, so thoroughly and then so gently the night before and felt her body shiver in
anticipation. Her nipples were instantly hard and tingling and her pussy, which was
still slippery from his cum, felt suddenly hot and swollen with need.
I haven t even known him for an entire day and already my body wants him. Needs him. It
was a sobering thought, as was the knowledge that after this morning, she would never
see him again. But Kira decided she didn t care. If this was her last chance with Therik,
her last chance to love him, to make love with him and be filled by him, then she
wanted to make it last.
 Kira, he rumbled as he pressed against her.  Tell me if you want this. If you need
it like I do.
 I do, she whispered back.  I want it so much. Please, Therik, I need you inside
me. She opened her legs for him willingly but to her surprise, he pulled her astride
him instead.
 Thought you might like to see what it feels like to have a real man under you for a
change, he rumbled softly as he guided her into position over his hard cock.
Kira moaned as she sank down onto him, impaling herself willingly, filling herself
with his thickness. Therik kept his hands on her waist, guiding her as she rode him, her
breasts bouncing with his upward thrusts, her nipples hard with desire. She couldn t
help reflecting that even though this was the position she had used during her
conception ceremony, what Therik was doing to her felt nothing like what she had
experienced with the tame male. It was so much more pleasurable, so deep, and when
Willing Submission
he filled her at last with his cum, it was much more than a weak dribble that spurted
into her open cunt.
The entire time he held her above him, thrusting into her, Therik s gaze held hers.
Kira found herself lost in the burning depths of his eyes. The last time, she couldn t help
thinking. This is the last time I ll see him. The last time he ll make love to me. From now on
when I m in this position it will be for my yearly conception ceremony and it will be with a tame,
drugged male.
Just the thought of that, of never seeing Therik again made her sad. Even as she felt
herself clenching around him as she came, she could feel tears pricking at her eyelids
again, just as they had the night before.
 What is it, Kira? Are you all right? There was concern in Therik s deep voice as he
lowered her to the bed and pulled her to him.  Did I hurt you in some way? he asked,
his gray eyes troubled.
 No, I just&  Kira felt stupid but she couldn t seem to stop crying. She sat up and
put her hands over her face. Collar or not, prophesy or not, she didn t want to leave
him. Didn t want to go back to her sterile existence in the city on the holy mountain
where most of her day was spent chanting and praying and tending the flocks and
gardens of the goddess with her priestess sisters. She didn t want to go back to sleeping
in her single, narrow cot with no one to hold her, no strong arms to protect her in the
chilly night. She was lonely, she realized, and had been lonely for a long time. But it had
taken her night with Therik to make her realize it.
 Kira, please. Tell me what s wrong and what I can do to make it better. Therik
lifted her hands gently away from her face and looked into her eyes.
 I-I don t want to go. I mean, I don t want this to end, Kira blurted, feeling like a
fool.  I mean, I know I only feel this way because of this goddessdamn collar but 
 Kira, he interrupted her.  Stop a moment. Stop and look at yourself. He turned
her shoulders, shifting her gently from where she sat in the tangled bedclothes to look
toward the foot of the bed.
Evangeline Anderson
Kira wasn t sure what he was talking about until she realized that the large oval
looking glass he had positioned at the foot of the bed the night before was still there.
Uncertainly, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, trying to see what Therik wanted
her to.
She saw a naked woman with tearful golden-hazel eyes and tousled red hair staring
back at her. But around the woman s neck where the silver and garnet collar had
 It s gone! Kira looked at her reflection in disbelief.  It s gone the collar s gone.
She looked at Therik.  Where did it go?
 I took it off you while you were sleeping. There was a look of hope in Therik s
gray eyes.  I was hoping you wouldn t realize it was gone until you knew that your
feelings were real.
 That my feelings were& What are you talking about? Kira demanded.  You told
me that garnet collar was magical. That it would make your every touch a pleasure.
 And did it? Therik raised an eyebrow at her.
 It did, Kira admitted, her cheeks coloring.  Even when you& when you wanted [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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