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"Slower or deeper? Is this what you want, Red? All you have to do is tell me& "
"Please& I& "
"Perhaps you would like a longer penetration& a tighter roll of the hip& ?"
Thrusting, he ground his hips against her and rotated his pelvis.
"Or& " his breath was hot in her ear. "Maybe you want it side-to-side like this?"
So he gave it from side-to-side.
Kerreth had done exactly as she had asked. He had lost himself in the lovemaking and it
was like nothing Lucky had ever imagined.
He was wild and erotic. He took her higher and higher until she couldn't take any more.
Without warning she skyrocketed into orgasm. Her uninhibited cries filled the entire sleeping
Kerreth experiencing the energetic pulses at their very source could no longer hold back
himself. He yelled out his own immense satisfaction as he poured into her, clasping her
closer to him.
It was several minutes before either of them regained their breath.
"Was that sufficient, Mistress Lucky?" He still held her tightly within his embrace.
"It was truly a master stroke."
Kerreth smiled with pleasure. He may not be a sex toy but, apparently, with the right
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incentive he could measure up to one.
* * *
Back onboard the Zoltarian pirate ship&
"I hope you were bluffing about slicing my throat, Kokol." Wildcat gave the pirate a
disapproving look.
"Every good transaction starts with a good bluff, my gorgeous tracker."
"We have plenty of time before we arrive on Dumfug 8; let's go back to bed."
"I don't think so."
"Did I tell you that you are quite the folk hero on Zoltaria?"
"Stop playing with my hair."
"They never would forgive me if I permanently disabled you, you know."
"And just why should I be nice to you after you threatened to slice my throat, hmm?"
"I was teasing. Come now, Cat, how long were you in those Orzon mines with no females for
"Good point." The blankets rustled as they fell back onto the bed together. Wildcat paused
and glanced at the ceiling. "A little privacy here?"
"Who are you talking to?"
"Who indeed." He grinned just before his mouth silenced hers.
A faintly shimmering haze quickly turned and sped from the room, travelling right through the
It flickered along the walls toward the bridge.
No doubt to see what trouble it could find.
Dumfug 8, Port Royal 4, Gantor's Ice Theme Park
"I am so hungry!"
A loud rumble issued forth. Lucky clutched her stomach.
"For suck's sake, Lucky, we just ate back on the ship!" SpinDrift made a moue with his
"I've been burning more calories lately, Spin," she gritted back.
The corners of Kerreth's lips curled.
She sure was.
But he was burning more too. He had to sneak down to the galley whenever he could just to
filch some food. It had been difficult for him to find the galley empty. It seemed Clugot liked
his food.
Finally, he just gave up and told Lucky that some androids were designed to ingest food in
order to appear more human; they could then convert this food directly into energy in an
efficient simulation.
She accepted that immediately and he could have kicked himself for not thinking of it
sooner. He had almost starved.
It turned out that when Clugot left his engineering station, he was a pretty impressive cook.
The next hardest part had been tasting the engineer's food without displaying sublime
ecstasy on his face. Too bad the Kelvinator only cooked for a hobby. Like everything else on
the Sugarbabe, dining was catch as catch can.
"What do you think of Gantor's Ice Theme Park?" Lucky asked him.
He tried to make off as if he was studying the scenery with some interest. After all, this was
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supposed to be his first trip off Slide.
"Let's see& ah, ice. Hill with ice. More hills with ice. Cave with ice. Ice pit. It is very ice-like."
Lucky giggled. "Yep, it is. You are programmed to react like the rest of us. It's not the same
for other species as it is for their main customers, the Drox. This is one huge, happy
amusement park for them. To us just so much ice. Go figure."
"I hear the caves are nice, though." SpinDrift rubbed his upper arms to ward off some of the
chill. "Could they be colder than this?"
"I told you to wear that extra pelt."
"I gave it to Slick."
Confused, Lucky turned to Kerreth. "Android's don't need protection from the elements. Why [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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