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surely as if they were his own. Darius would not leave his family unprotected until he was certain Julian
could take his place.
And then Julian was nothing but light and energy, pure white heat to be used for healing. He closed the
terrible wounds in the artery that were draining the precious fluid of life from Darius. The heart required
tremendous concentration. The gash was deep, and Julian could make no mistakes. He became aware,
after a time, that the sound of chanting was surrounding them. The words were ancient and soothing to
him, filling him with a quiet confidence for the work he had to do. This was the most extensive repair on
anyone he had attempted, and the familiar words in Desari's beautiful voice gave him needed peace. She
was there with him every step of the way, holding Darius to her, lending her strength to Julian even as her
voice surrounded them with the healing words of the ancients. He was aware of the others joining in the
melodious chant, lending their voices to the healing process.
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Becoming pure energy tired any healer quickly. It was a difficult process to put one's body aside thusly.
At the end Julian felt so drained that he slipped from Darius's body and found himself staggering, his
enormous strength gone. He sank down onto the soft earth and allowed his head to fall forward so that
his long hair hid the deep lines of strain in his face.
Desari stroked a long caress through the tangle of golden hair, her heart beating a steady rhythm to
support her lifemate. Julian was so like her brother. He simply, masterfully, took control of a situation and
did what had to be done. The two were very similar in character. She felt the stirring in her mind. Not the
path she shared with Julian, but rather the familiar one she had known for so many centuries. Darius
would live.
Dayan had moved into a position where he could watch the procedure closely. "He is going to live?" The
question was addressed to Julian rather than Desari, a tentative olive branch from the second in
Julian glanced up at him, fatigue etching harsh lines in his features. "Darius will not leave this world until
he is ready to do so. Then there will be no one who can stop him. He will live, but he needs blood and
rest. All of us must feed well that we can supply him. He will need to be safeguarded at all times. The
vampire is aware Darius is injured and thinks him vulnerable now. He will actively seek his resting place
in hopes of an easy kill."
Beside him Desari stirred in protest, her slender body suddenly pressing itself against Julian's as if for
protection. Julian responded immediately, his arm drawing her to him, shielding her from the world.
"There will be no easy kill, Desari. Darius, even in his present state, is dangerous. His mind alone holds
enough power for the kill. Do not fear for him. In any case, we will provide safeguards to protect him
should the vampire get past any of us."
"He will come afteryou ." Syndil spoke the words softly, her voice so beautiful it seemed to reach out
and touch Julian's soul. "He hates you all, every male, and intends to use me to destroy you." She raised
her eyes to Julian. "But he hates you most of all. He thought to control you, and he cannot. I felt his rage."
Julian's glittering eyes examined the woman standing with her head bowed a little distance from the
others. She was very pale, her eyes enormous. She looked fragile and vulnerable, as if she might break
should the wind blow too strongly. He felt Desari twine her fingers through his as if to prevent him from
speaking. Barack stirred, a restless, fierce movement the women misinterpreted as aggression. Julian
read it as fiercely protective. Barack saw himself as a shield between Syndil's vulnerability and all others
who might hurt her inadvertently or, worse, on purpose.
"He cannot use you against us, Syndil. You are our beloved sister and under our protection, just as the
earth is under yours. Your power is too strong for this evil creature to corrupt." When he spoke, Julian
chose each word carefully, adding a subtle "push" with his velvet voice. "He wishes you to believe you
draw evil to you, but it is only one of his illusions. The undead have many traps they use in the hopes of
ensnaring one of us. I have spent centuries hunting these creatures, and I have seen such traps targeted
for specific individuals. You cannot be touched by his taint. It is impossible, as you are too pure. I know
this through my mind merge with Desari. Every one of us knows this."
Syndil's long lashes swept her cheeks. "I do not know this."
Barack stirred again, a low growl rumbling within his throat. At once, Syndil's slender frame began to
shape-shift, wavering somewhere between that of a human female and a female leopard.
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Desari, you must tell Barack to give her more space. Julian knew better than to challenge the adult [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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