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with Colonel Sir,
he said.  He is firm. No visitors from the mainland. His expression
brightened.  We have opposition to fear!
Mary did not understand that did he mean they were opposed to fear?
 Yes! he exclaimed as if she had just expressed great disbelief.  Colonel Sir
has his enemies, and not just on the mainland. We must be watchful. That is
part of our job too. ,  We show a generosity to our enemies that would have
been unheard of two generations past, Aide Lopez said with faint regret.
Mary felt the room becoming hot though the building was air conditioned. Mouse
in a box. Being helpless made her angry but she would no more show that anger
than show her fear.  You make my job very difficult, she said.  As one
policeman to two confreres, surely there s something you can do to help me.
Aide Lopez furrowed her brow.  If there is time you will meet with the
General. I will try to arrange it for this morning or afternoon. Aide
Soulavier will wait with you. Perhaps a walk on the beach, relaxation,
something to eat. There is fine food on the beach. We always take our
afternoon meal on the beach.
Aide Lopez pushed back her ancient rolling chair and stood, matching Mary s
height and adding ten centimeters of high-peaked cap that suited neither her
job nor her physique. Now Aide Lopez resembled a somber clown mocking police.
Her expression was relaxed and unconcerned. She looked around the walls at her
collection, turned back to Mary and said,  These are my windows.
Mary nodded.  Very attractive.
 Valuable. Thousands of dollars, tens of thousands of gourdes. I inherited
them from my mother. Many of these artists were her lovers. I do not choose
artists for my lovers. They have no sense of propriety.
Mary smiled ironically, then turned and followed Soulavier, who preceded her
along the serpent tiles.  Yes, he mused.  It would be best for you to meet
the Inspector
General. You have a good point that we are all police together, with common
goals. You should tell that to the Inspector General.
Mary asked how long it might be before she could meet with Legar but decided
that would be a small sign of weakness. Patience and no misstcpping. She might
be on
Hispaniola for a long time.
The waters of the bay were brilliant blue green and sparkling clean; the beach
was almost empty of tourists this early. A few young Haitians in civic
sanitation uniforms fanned simple metal detectors over the sand. Soulavier
purchased two fried pompano and two beers from a lone boardwalk vendor and
spread out this feast on a blanket on the sand. Mary sat crosslegged and ate
the delicious fish, sipping the native brew. She did not enjoy beer often but
Page 138
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this was acceptable.
Soulavier frowned pleasantly at the scavengers and their detectors.  Hard to
lose habits, he said.  Hispaniolans are very economical and thrifty. We
remember in our bones when every piece of scrap and every aluminum can was a
wealth. These boys and
girls and their mothers and fathers, they have employment. They might work in
the hotels or casinos. They might have a papa or mama in the army. Maybe they
are training for army themselves. Still they have economy and thriftiness.
 A lot has changed, Mary said.
 He has done so much for us. Because of him there is little prejudice on
Hispaniola now. That is a true miracle. Marrons do not feel hatred for
griffons or for noirs or les blancs. All are equal. My father told me once
there were forty shades of recognized distinction. He shook his head in
disbelief.  Colonel Sir is a worker of miracles, Mademoiselle. Why the world
hates him we do not know.
Mary s instinctive liking for Soulavier had been wrapped in tissue and quickly
stored away upon discovering his true employment, but it had not been disposed
of. He still seemed genuine and unaffected.
 i m not very well informed on international politics, she said.  I keep my
eyes on Los Angeles. That s world enough for me. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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