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ge nup dimu: The sorrow that overtakes the child in the wombwhen it knows it will be born dead
gor a: Ability to live for eight hundred years
ha atuz shak ean: Disgrace attending natural death of maternalgrandfather
HARdar ka: The complete understanding that all the soil ofMyrin passes through the bodies of its
earth-worms every tenyears
har di di kal: A small worm; the hypothetical creator of ahypothetical sister planet of Myrin
HEyup : The first words the computers spoke, meaning, 'Thelight will not be necessary'
holt cha: The feeling of delight that precedes and precipitateswakening
holt che:The autonomous marshalling of the senses which produces the feeling of delight that precedes
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and precipitates wakening
hoz stap san: A writer's attitude to fellow writers
jily jip tup: A thinking machine that develops a stammer; the action of pulling on the trousers while
running uphill
jil jipy tup: Any machine with something incurable about it; pleasant laughter that is nevertheless
unwelcome; the action of pulling up the trousers while running downhill
karnad ees: The enjoyment of a day or a year by doing nothing; fasting
karndal chess: The waste of a day or a year by doing nothing; fasting
karndoli yon tor :Mystical state attained through inaction; feasting; a learned paper on the poetry of metal
karndol ki ree: The waste of a life by doing nothing; a type of fasting
kundulum: To be well and in bed with two pretty sisters
lahah ship: Tasting fresh air after one has worked several hours at one's desk
la yun un: A struggle in which not a word is spoken; the under-side of an inaccessible boulder; the part
of one's life un-available to other people
lee ke min: Anything or anyone out-of-sight that one senses will never return; an apology offered for
likl ink thKUTI: The small engine that attends to one after the act of excretion
mal: A feeling of being watched from within
man naiz th: Being aware of electricity in wires concealed in the walls
mur on tig won:The disagreeable experience of listening to oneself in the middle of a long speech and
neither under-standing what one is saying nor enjoying the manner in which it is being said; a foreign
accent; a lion breaking wind after the evening repast
nam onA: The remembrance, in bed, of camp fires
no lee le mun: The love of a wife that becomes especially vivid when she is almost out-of-sight
nu crow: Dying before strangers
nu di dimu: Dying in a low place, often of a low fever
NUhin der vlak : The invisible stars; forms of death
nun mum:Dying before either of one's parents; ceasing to fight just because one's enemy is winning
nut lap me: Dying of laughing
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nut la pom: Dying laughing
nut vato: Managing to die standing up; statues; thorns
nutvu bag rack: To be born dead
nu valk: Dying deliberately in a lonely (high) place
obi dakt:An obstruction; three or more machines talking together
oran muda:A change of government; an old peasant saying meaning, 'The dirt in the river is different
every day'
pan wol le muda:A certainty that tomorrow will much re-semble today; a line of manufacturing machines
patobane ban : The ten heartbeats preceding the first heart-beat of orgasm
pi ki skab we:The parasite that afflicts man and Tig Gag in its various larval stages and, while burrowing
in the brain of the Tig Gag, causes it to speak like a man
pi shak rack chano: The retrogressive dreams of autumn attributed to the presence in the bloodstream of
Pi Ki Skab We
pit hor:Pig's cheeks, or the droppings of pigs; the act of name-dropping
play:The heightening of consciousness that arises when one awakens in a strange room that one cannot
momentarily identify
shak ale man: The struggle that takes place in the night be-tween the urge to urinate and urge to continue
shak lo mun gram:When the urge to continue sleeping takes precedence over all things
shean dorl: Gazing at one's reflection for reasons other than vanity
she ban mik: Performing prohibited postures before a mirror
shem:A slight cold afflicting only one nostril; the thoughts that pass when one shakes hands with a
shuk tack:The shortening in life-stature a man incurs from a seemingly benevolent machine
sobi:A reverie lasting less than twenty years on cosmological themes; a nickel
sodi dorl: One machine making way for another; decadence,particularly in the Cold Continents SODIin
PIT: Any epithet which does not accurately convey whatit intends, such as 'Sober as a judge', 'Silly nit',
'He swimslike a fish', 'He's only half-alive', and so on
staini rackNUSVIODON: Experiencing Staini Rack Nuul andthen realizing that one must continue in the
same outwornfashion because the alternatives are too frightening, or becauseone is too weak to change;
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wearing a suit of clothes atwhich one sees strangers looking askance
staini rack nuul: Introspection (sometimes prompted by birth-days) that one is not living as one
determined to live whenone was very young; or, on the other hand, realizing that oneis living in a mode
decided upon when one was very youngand which is now no longer applicable or appropriate
stain tokI: The awareness that one is helplessly living a role
sta sodon: The worst feelings which do not even lead tosuicide
sta stlap: The worst feelings which do not even lead tolaughter
SU SODA VALKUS: A sudden realization that one's spirit is notpure, overcoming one on Mount
Rinvlak (in the SouthernContinent)
ti: Civilized aggression
tig gag: The creature most like man in the Southern Continentwhich smiles as it sleeps
tipy lap kin: Laughter that one recognizes though the laugheris unseen; one's own laughter in a crisis
tok an: Suddenly divining the nature and imminence of oldage in one's thirty-first year
tuan bolo: A class of people one meets only at weddings; thepleasure of feeling rather pale
tu ki tok: Moments of genuine joy captured in a play orcharade about joy; the experience of youthful
delight in oldage
tuz pat main(Obs.): The determination to eat one's maternalgrandfather
u (Obs.): The amount of time it takes for a lizard to turn intoa bird; love
ubi: A girl who lifts her skirts at the very moment you wish shewould
udi kal: The clothes of the woman one loves
udi ukal: The body of the woman one loves
ues we tel da: Love between a male and female politician
ugi slo gu: The love that needs a little coaxing
umi rin tosit: The sensation a woman experiences when shedoes not know how she feels about a man
umy rin ru: The new dimensions that take on illusory existencewhen the body of the loved woman is first
revealed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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