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 Need a hand with that? he asked in a low, husky voice as he
walked slowly toward the shower.
Xander s head snapped up, and his eyes widened briefly. Then he
raised the hand that had been cupping his balls and crooked a finger at
Braxton s pulse sped along with his breathing as he opened the
shower door and climbed in, immediately pressing himself against his
 On your knees, Xander commanded.
Braxton s entire body shook with his desire. Oh yeah. He loved it
138 Gabrielle Evans
when Xander went all alpha male on him. He lowered himself to his
knees and looked up into his lover s face. The love and desire warring
for dominance on Xander s handsome visage turned Braxton to goo.
He knew that he wanted to be with this man for the rest of his life.
Their lives. He was ready. Whatever his man wanted, whatever he
needed, Braxton wanted to give it.
Xander reached down, pushed the wet hair back from Braxton s
brow, and cupped the back of his head. Meeting no resistance, he
pulled Braxton s head toward his jutting cock.  Suck me, baby. Show
me what that talented mouth can do.
Braxton moaned as he dived forward, capturing the bulbous head
in his mouth. He twirled his tongue around the crown, then licked at
the weeping slit. Xander groaned above him, his fingers fisted in
Braxton s hair, and he pushed forward with his hips. Braxton smiled
to himself when he felt Xander s spongy flesh tickle the back of his
throat. He wanted needed Xander to lose control.
He was just beginning to get into it when Xander suddenly lifted
him away and pressed him roughly against the shower wall. Xander s
body covered his, and he growled in Braxton s ear.  Why are you
doing this to me? I don t want to hurt you, but I can t resist you
either. He ran his tongue up Braxton s neck, nipping lightly at his
earlobe.  Do you want this fat cock up your ass that much? So much
that you would risk me hurting you?
He pushed away abruptly, turning his back on Braxton.
Braxton couldn t help but grin. He was about to get the fucking of
his life.  Claim me.
Xander snapped his head around to look at Braxton over his
shoulder.  What?
 You heard me. Make love to me. Take me right here and now,
claim me, and make me yours forever.
 Are you sure? Xander turned slowly, never taking his eyes from
Braxton s.
 Yes. Short and simple, there was nothing else to say.
Leap of Faith 139
Braxton could see Xander s body vibrate with the energy he
exerted to hold himself in check. That just wouldn t do.
 Not tonight, Xander finally said, shaking his head.  It s too
dangerous. I will not risk hurting you. Now please, go. His voice
sounded almost pleading.
Braxton bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. He knew
there was absolutely no way Xander would ever hurt him, and he did
not intend to go anywhere until his mate ravaged and claimed him to
his satisfaction. Maybe twice if he was lucky.
He turned and reached for the shower door.  Fine, he threw over
his shoulder.  If you don t want me, I will go find someone else to
claim me.
He heard a deep growl a split second before Xander gripped him
around the waist and pushed him up against the shower tiles again. He
winced at the cold, but still fought desperately to hide his smile.
 No one else. Mine! Xander growled.
Yes! This is what Braxton wanted. The possessiveness in Xander s
voice sent electricity straight to his throbbing erection.
 Well, I m just saying. Braxton shrugged.  If you don t want me,
then I can alwa 
Xander cut him off by plunging his tongue deep into Braxton s
open mouth. He moaned, his tongue dueling with Xander s, giving as
good as he got.
Xander pulled back and stared hard into his eyes.  I hope you re
ready because I can t stop now. I have to be inside you.
 Oh, hell yes! Fuck me, Xander. Claim me now!
Xander lifted him, giving Braxton no choice but to wrap his legs
and arms around his lover. Xander growled loudly, taking just enough
time to slick himself with the liquid body soap. The head of his cock
pressed firmly against Braxton s quivering entrance. He took a deep
breath and winced as Xander breached the first ring of muscle, never
stopping until he was balls deep inside Braxton s eager ass.
Damn, it burned, but not enough for him to even consider
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Xander gave him just a moment to adjust before he began to thrust
into him quickly, wildly. The burn soon gave way to pleasure, and
Braxton held on tighter to his mate as his head dropped back to the
tiles.  Oh, fuck yes! Feels so damn good. Love the way you feel
inside me.
Xander s thrusts came harder, faster, more punishing. He licked
and sucked at Braxton s neck, shoulders, chest, anywhere his mouth
could reach. Braxton felt his balls tighten, his muscles clench, and the
tingling heat in his lower back. More, just a little more. He
needed& something.
 Xander, please. I need& I need& Oh, God. Please! Braxton
wasn t sure what he pleaded for, but he knew if he didn t get it, and
right damn now, his entire body was going to combust.
 Bite me, Xander ordered.
Braxton didn t hesitate. He leaned forward, pulling himself closer
to Xander, and bit his mate s chest hard. Xander roared, slamming
into Braxton s body.
 Harder. Drink from me.
Braxton did hesitate then, but only for a second. His need quickly
took over, and he sank his teeth into Xander s soft skin and sucked as
blood rushed over his tongue.
Xander s blood tasted amazing. Nothing like the salty copper taste
he associated with blood. Xander tasted sweet, almost like liquid
After several moments, Braxton pulled back and licked slowly at
the wound. He moaned at the continued pounding to his ass. If he did
not come soon, his dick was going to fall off. He slumped back
against the tiles again and reached down to pull insistently at his
leaking prick.
 Xander! Please& Oh, hell& need to& need& 
 Come, Xander commanded right before he leaned forward and
sank his teeth into the soft flesh between Braxton s neck and
Leap of Faith 141
Braxton screamed, actually screamed. His cock erupted, shooting
streams of pearly white semen from the head. He pressed Xander s
mouth harder against his neck, never wanting him to stop. He had
never felt anything so incredible.
Xander withdrew his canines from Braxton s neck, threw his head
back, and roared as hot lava exploded within Braxton s still
convulsing channel.
His head fell forward, and he claimed Braxton s lips.  Mine, he
* * * *
 We need that book.
Xander sighed. He was content to just lie in bed with Braxton and
never move again. His mate was right, though. They needed to figure
out what Mason was after so they could finally get rid of the bastard.
He would do whatever it took to make sure that asshole never came
near what belonged to him again.
 Easy there, big guy. Braxton smoothed his hand down Xander s
chest and kissed the spot right above his heart. It wasn t until then that
Xander realized he d been growling.
He placed his hand on top of Braxton s and squeezed gently.  I m
okay. I will feel much better when this is all over with, though. I don t
want him anywhere near you, chulo.
 Well, I would prefer that as well, so let s go get that book,
Braxton said around a yawn.
 And why do you think it s this book? You said you and Keeton
didn t find anything in any of the others. Why this one?
 Well, it s The Odyssey. Mason used to do photography for a
company called Odyssey. Kind of makes sense. Besides, it s the only
book left. Braxton shrugged and yawned again.
142 Gabrielle Evans
Xander chuckled as he sat up on the side of the bed and stretched
his arms over his head.  I ll get the book. You sleep. He bent down
and placed a quick kiss on Braxton s forehead.  What gym and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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