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of his hands slid up her side and cupped the fullness of one breast.
They stood frozen in a tableau. His hand settled on her breast as if taking
* * *
Breathing hard, Blane kissed Ange s lush red mouth and trailed a line of
kisses down her neck. She had a long, slender neck, a neck that invited
leisurely exploration. He heard her take a sharp breath. A smile touched his
mouth as he slowly tightened the fingers that cupped the proud mound of her
breast. Her inhale turned into a hiccup of surprise. She gasped with pleasure
as he squeezed the soft flesh through her thick jacket.
Dammit, the woman had on too many clothes. He burned to feel her under the
palms of his hands, to caress her satiny skin, to explore the hidden secrets
of her body. He d kiss his way down her neck to those lush breasts while his
hand ventured lower to explore her stomach and slide over her silken thighs.
His imagination caught fire at the thought of her opening her legs to him,
exposing her moist and ready womanhood. He hardened in anticipation.
Not so fast!a part of his brain yelled.
You don t dare tell this woman the truth about Kyffin, and besides that,
Ryol s the one who s paying her.
He tried to control himself, to stop raining kisses on her neck and lips, but
the smell and the taste of her drove him wild. She smelled like the spring
rain, like a breeze blowing across a crystal clear pool. He wanted to take her
up into the mountains, to the secret places that only he knew. He d missed the
wild and rugged beauty of Kyffin, and longed to return to his old haunts. He
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would show her his hidden valley with its magnificent waterfall and lay her
down on the wet rocks below the rushing water. The sparkling spray could
drench both their naked bodies. He would possess her there with the water
roaring around them and his blood roaring in his ears.
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She groaned as he squeezed her breast again. The soft, vulnerable sounds she
made shot through him, arousing lusts long dormant. He shook with the desire
to see her naked and spread open before him.
Gripping her buttocks with both hands, he lifted her up. She was as light as
the air in his arms. He swung her around and set her on the desktop. Her face
blazed with an answering passion that fed the growing fires within.
He pushed between her legs, bending over her. His hands tangled in her hair
and her arms looped around his neck as they pressed closer. Even through her
jacket, her body heat reached out to him like a warm, inviting furnace.
Passion pounded through his veins as he kissed her. Their tongues tangled
together, stroking in an ancient rhythm, while his hands groped to tear open
the sealed seam of her jacket. The urge to push her down and rip off her
clothes mounted. This must be how women felt when he
The thought sent him staggering backward, staring at her in amazement. The
intense passion she aroused in him it was almost as magical, as inexplicable
as the effect he had on women. Was it possible? Were they two of a kind? But
how could it be? She d never landed on Kyffin before, and certainly had never
been to the meadow.
He took another step back, putting distance between them, getting away from
her heat and her honeyed aroma. He d spent the voyage lusting after her; sure
she d doused herself with Ryol s Scent of Magic.
But she d denied it. Convincingly. Besides, he knew his brother. Ryol was too
damned cheap to give away even a single drop of Scent of Magic.
He d wanted to think her scent came from the perfume. But if it didn t, then
how could he explain her smell the delicious smell? There had to be some
connection, although he couldn t imagine what at the moment.
Her enticing fragrance faded as he backed away. At the same time, the
disturbing questions crowding his mind dampened his lust. His pounding heart
began to slow. He took several deep breaths, giving the fire within a chance
to die to a slow smolder.
Ange sat on the desk, watching him with a dazed expression. Her mouth looked
swollen from the passionate kisses he d pressed on her lush lips. Her
half-closed eyes and ruffled curls gave her a sultry look. Yet as he watched
he saw alertness return to her expression. Her eyes widened as she stared at
She straightened her clothes and shivered all over as if shaking off a dream.
Her tawny curls bounced around her elfin face as she shook her head in
disgust. She looked pale in the slanting sunlight through the window.
 What just happened? she demanded.  Why did we come at each other like two
lusting animals?
He wiped his mouth with his hand, nauseated by his behavior. Now he understood
the hatred in women s eyes, afterwards. Thank the gods, he d retreated to his
studio and his art years ago.
She lifted her chin, regarding him with defiance. He drew in a sharp breath at [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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