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Howard said,  I spoke to Deputy Whit about that very thing. Best we can figure, the guy was smart
enough to come when the guards were changing shifts. The only question now is, how did he know?
Brandon shrugged.  Good question. I set it so that a deputy would be guarding Nate twenty-four hours a
day. The shifts change every eight hours, unless the deputy needs to take off early, in which case it s up
to him to notify me or to trade with somebody. None of my men would just take off without a
Howard rubbed his brow.  What about bathroom and meal breaks?
 As necessary.
 So it could have happened then.
Brandon said,  Technically speaking, yes, but Wilson would have to be watching, and even then, it
doesn t explain why the alarm didn t go off, or why Sasha didn t bark a warning.
 About the alarm, I couldn t say, but according to Whit, your dog was probably drugged.
Brandon s whole body tensed but Nate had enough sense to say,  Is she alright?
 One of Sheriff Nash s men took her to the vet, but it looks like she ll be fine. He s going to take some
blood samples and try to figure out what the heck she was given.
Keith, who d been leaning up against the counter in silence up until now, said,  I m not a cop, but I think
I might know how this guy worked out your schedule and your alarm codes.
Brandon hopped off the table and shrugged into the loose fitting shirt Nate had brought with them.  I m
 First, a question. Where were you when you set the schedule for the guards?
Brandon thought for a moment.  At the office.
Nate shook his head.  You may have come up with it at the office, Bran, but I remember you talking
about it the day I came home from the hospital. We were in our bedroom, remember?
 Yeah, I d forgotten about that. He reached out and squeezed Nate s hand.  Thanks, babe.
Keith made a gagging sound.  If you two are finished ogling each other, I have another question. Where
were you when you worked out the codes with the alarm company?
 That one I do remember. I came home to take a shower right before they let Nate out of the ICU. The
guy had already installed the alarm, so we set the code, I showered, and then went to the accident scene
to make sure all the evidence had been gathered.
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 That isn t the only time. I remember you giving me and Mom the code the day Nate came home from
the hospital.
 Yeah, and I gave it to Nate right before Seth left to pick his parents up at the airport. I remember,
because I told him he d have the code if he decided to kick their asses out. That way, they couldn t
sneak back in, even if they d swiped a spare key. He furrowed his brow, the yelled,  Son-of-a-bitch!
The bastard has our place bugged.
Keith gave a mock bow.  Chalk one up for the big brother.
Howard said,  My men will be here first thing in the morning. I ll have them do a sweep, but it certainly
sounds like the most logical conclusion.
Brandon said,  Have them sweep my office, too, just in case.
 I m on it. Howard stopped in the doorway.  Either Wilson has lousy aim, which I highly doubt, or he
meant for that knife to lodge in your shoulder. Either way, I m glad he missed anything important. He
smiled at Nate.  It was nice to meet you, Dr. Morris. If you ever get tired of this guy, I d like to
introduce you to my son. You don t happen to have nipple rings or a navel hoop, do you?
 Back off, Howard. He s spoken for.
Howard sighed.  I had to try, Nash. Just be glad you got to him first.
Brandon looked at Nate and his voice dropped an octave.  Every time I take a breath.
After Howard left, Keith said,  I assume you aren t going to stay at your house tonight.
 Not until Howard sweeps the place. We ll stay at a motel tonight.
 Brandon Nash, you will do no such thing. Gale stood at the door, hands on hips.
 Mom, what are you doing here? We re right in the middle of a police investigation, for Christ s sake.
He turned accusing eyes on Keith.  Did you call her?
 Don t take the Lord s name in vain, damn it. And no, he didn t call me, but he should have. Your father
heard it on the scanner. She crossed the room and put her arms around Nate.  How are you holding up,
 Hey, I m the one that s injured here.
Gale sniffed.  According to Amy, you wouldn t be hurt if you hadn t decided to rush downstairs like the
conquering hero. She took Nate by the hand.  Now, Nathan, we ll go and pack you and Brandon a
bag, and you can stay with me and Dad. She led him out of the room, but not before Nate tuned around
and stuck his tongue out at Brandon.
 Is it my imagination, or has my fiancé just stolen my mother?
Keith laughed.  The first big fight Maria and I had after we got married, she ran home to our mother
instead of her own. He patted Bran on the back.  Welcome to the wonderful world of marriage,
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